DNS enumeration is the process of identifying the DNS servers and the corresponding DNS records. DNS stands for Domain Name System which is a database containing information about domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. The DNS system is responsible for translating human-readable hostnames into machine-readable IP addresses. The most important records to look for in DNS enumeration are the:
A (address) records containing the IP address of the domain.
MX records, which stands for Mail Exchange, contain the mail exchange servers.
CNAME records used for aliasing domains. CNAME stands for Canonical Name and links any sub-domains with existing domain DNS records.
NS records, which stands for Name Server, indicates the authoritative (or main) name server for the domain.
SOA records, which stands for State of Authority, contain important information about the domain such as the primary name server, a timestamp showing when the domain was last updated and the party responsible for the domain.
PTR or Pointer Records map an IPv4 address to the CNAME on the host. This record is also called a ‘reverse record’ because it connects a record with an IP address to a hostname instead of the other way around.
TXT records contain text inserted by the administrator (such as notes about the way the network has been configured).
The information retrieved during DNS enumeration will consist of details about names servers and IP addresses of potential targets (such as mail servers, sub-domains etc). Some tools used for DNS enumeration included with Kali Linux are: whois, nslookup, dig, host and automated tools like Fierce, DNSenum and DNSrecon. Let’s briefly review these tools and see how we can use them for DNS enumeration.
whois <domain>
nmap -sC -sV -p53 $ip/24
nmap -p 80 --script dns-brute.nse domain.com
# Find DNS (A) records by trying a list of common sub-domains from a wordlist.
nmap $ip --script=dns-zone-transfer -p 53
# Zone transfer script
Domain scan
$ host google.com
google.com has address
google.com has IPv6 address 2404:6800:4009:822::200e
google.com mail is handled by 20 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com.
google.com mail is handled by 10 aspmx.l.google.com.
google.com mail is handled by 50 alt4.aspmx.l.google.com.
google.com mail is handled by 40 alt3.aspmx.l.google.com.
google.com mail is handled by 30 alt2.aspmx.l.google.com.
Find particular records
host -t mx google.com
# Return mail servers
host -t ns google.com
# Return name servers
host -t txt google.com
# Return txt records
Reverse Domain Lookup
$ host gnu.org
gnu.org has address
gnu.org has IPv6 address 2001:470:142:3::a
gnu.org mail is handled by 10 eggs.gnu.org.
$ host is an alias for 148.0-
148.0- domain name pointer wildebeest.gnu.org.
DNS Zone Transfer
DNS zone transfer, also known as DNS query type AXFR, is a process by which a DNS server passes a copy of part of its database to another DNS server. The portion of the database that is replicated is known as a zone.
host -l <domain> <NameServer>
$ host -t ns zonetransfer.me # first list out their name servers to check for zone transfer
zonetransfer.me name server nsztm2.digi.ninja.
zonetransfer.me name server nsztm1.digi.ninja.
$ host -l zonetransfer.me nsztm1.digi.ninja
Using domain server:
Name: nsztm1.digi.ninja
zonetransfer.me has address
zonetransfer.me name server nsztm1.digi.ninja.
zonetransfer.me name server nsztm2.digi.ninja. domain name pointer www.zonetransfer.me.
asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me has address
canberra-office.zonetransfer.me has address
dc-office.zonetransfer.me has address
deadbeef.zonetransfer.me has IPv6 address dead:beaf::
email.zonetransfer.me has address
home.zonetransfer.me has address
internal.zonetransfer.me name server intns1.zonetransfer.me.
internal.zonetransfer.me name server intns2.zonetransfer.me.
intns1.zonetransfer.me has address
intns2.zonetransfer.me has address
office.zonetransfer.me has address
ipv6actnow.org.zonetransfer.me has IPv6 address 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:1332
owa.zonetransfer.me has address
alltcpportsopen.firewall.test.zonetransfer.me has address
vpn.zonetransfer.me has address
www.zonetransfer.me has address
Zone Transfer Script
# Simple Zone Transfer Bash Script
# $1 is the first argument given after the bash script
# Check if argument was given, if not, print usage
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "[*] Simple Zone transfer script"
echo "[*] Usage : $0 <domain name> "
exit 0
# if argument was given, identify the DNS servers for the domain
for server in $(host -t ns $1 | cut -d " " -f4); do
# For each of these servers, attempt a zone transfer
host -l $1 $server |grep "has address"
Subdomain bruteforcing using common hostname
for ip in $(cat list.txt); do host $ip.website.com; done
Reverse dns lookup bruteforcing
for ip in $(seq 155 190);do host 50.7.67.$ip;done |grep -v "not found"
The ip is based on subdomain bruteforcing result
nslookup is used to query Internet name servers interactively
$ dig zonetransfer.me ns +short
$ dig axfr zonetransfer.me @nsztm1.digi.ninja
; <<>> DiG 9.16.18 <<>> axfr zonetransfer.me @nsztm1.digi.ninja
;; global options: +cmd
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN SOA nsztm1.digi.ninja. robin.digi.ninja. 2019100801 172800 900 1209600 3600
zonetransfer.me. 300 IN HINFO "Casio fx-700G" "Windows XP"
zonetransfer.me. 301 IN TXT "google-site-verification=tyP28J7JAUHA9fw2sHXMgcCC0I6XBmmoVi04VlMewxA"
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 0 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 10 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 10 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 20 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 20 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 20 ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN MX 20 ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN NS nsztm1.digi.ninja.
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN NS nsztm2.digi.ninja.
_acme-challenge.zonetransfer.me. 301 IN TXT "6Oa05hbUJ9xSsvYy7pApQvwCUSSGgxvrbdizjePEsZI"
_sip._tcp.zonetransfer.me. 14000 IN SRV 0 0 5060 www.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN PTR www.zonetransfer.me.
asfdbauthdns.zonetransfer.me. 7900 IN AFSDB 1 asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me.
asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
asfdbvolume.zonetransfer.me. 7800 IN AFSDB 1 asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me.
canberra-office.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
cmdexec.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN TXT "; ls"
contact.zonetransfer.me. 2592000 IN TXT "Remember to call or email Pippa on +44 123 4567890 or pippa@zonetransfer.me when making DNS changes"
dc-office.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
deadbeef.zonetransfer.me. 7201 IN AAAA dead:beaf::
dr.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN LOC 53 20 56.558 N 1 38 33.526 W 0.00m 1m 10000m 10m
DZC.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN TXT "AbCdEfG"
email.zonetransfer.me. 2222 IN NAPTR 1 1 "P" "E2U+email" "" email.zonetransfer.me.zonetransfer.me.
email.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
Hello.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN TXT "Hi to Josh and all his class"
home.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
Info.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN TXT "ZoneTransfer.me service provided by Robin Wood - robin@digi.ninja. See http://digi.ninja/projects/zonetransferme.php for more information."
internal.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN NS intns1.zonetransfer.me.
internal.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN NS intns2.zonetransfer.me.
intns1.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN A
intns2.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN A
office.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
ipv6actnow.org.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN AAAA 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:1332
owa.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
robinwood.zonetransfer.me. 302 IN TXT "Robin Wood"
rp.zonetransfer.me. 321 IN RP robin.zonetransfer.me. robinwood.zonetransfer.me.
sip.zonetransfer.me. 3333 IN NAPTR 2 3 "P" "E2U+sip" "!^.*$!sip:customer-service@zonetransfer.me!" .
sqli.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN TXT "' or 1=1 --"
sshock.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN TXT "() { :]}; echo ShellShocked"
staging.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN CNAME www.sydneyoperahouse.com.
alltcpportsopen.firewall.test.zonetransfer.me. 301 IN A
testing.zonetransfer.me. 301 IN CNAME www.zonetransfer.me.
vpn.zonetransfer.me. 4000 IN A
www.zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN A
xss.zonetransfer.me. 300 IN TXT "'><script>alert('Boo')</script>"
zonetransfer.me. 7200 IN SOA nsztm1.digi.ninja. robin.digi.ninja. 2019100801 172800 900 1209600 3600
;; Query time: 133 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jul 22 17:28:02 IST 2021
;; XFR size: 50 records (messages 1, bytes 1994)
sublist3r -d <domain>
# To scan with public data
sublist3r -d <domain> -b -t 100
# To bruteforce the subdomains
# this will use following wordlist: